Imposter Syndrome

I guess it does happen to everyone in the web development field, or maybe to just everyone in general. But I have never heard of the term until my very first day in General Assembly a year ago. They say that it comes with web development as most people would often doubt themselves even after years of being in the job. But lately, I have been struggling with my confidence unlike a few months ago where I was so confident of my skills being able to be a strong web developer.

But with a ton of unanswered job applications, a bunch of rejections, and almost 3-4 dozen interviews, I’m starting to think I’m not cut out for the job. It’s hard to feel like you’re able to work on things for yourself but then find out that other people who base your skills on a piece of paper and one interview think you’re not cut out for the job.

But I guess, this will be the one time that I am going to tell myself that I am cut out for this as a sense of encouragement. I know I can. I didn’t spend 4 months of grueling day long coding to just stop. I will continue to code until I am able to reach that point where I am able to acquire my first job in the field. I definitely want to be in the full stack world where I am able to be the jack of all trades in both front and back end. But with so many companies having different stacks and languages, it’s hard to know what to study first and how to be strong enough for an interview to explain to them that I will be able to learn that certain language if I’m hired on the job. I know I can, after all, most languages have the same algorithms and data structures. It’s just a matter of learning the syntax for each language and how you are able to connect various file structures.

I guess, with my interview exam being in about 25 days, it’ll be hard to keep myself on track on advancing my skillset, but 25 days is 3+ weeks and if I can do a full stack project in that time with me having time to play video games in the middle, what stops me from learning enough algorithms and data structure to be able to ace that exam and go to the next step of the internship. So from today until that day, I will try to dedicate at least 2-3 hours into coding and doing hacker rank exams to solve the problems.

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